
Yarloo is an innovative and modern lottery platform for users all over the world.

Blockchain technology is known as a revolutionary technology today that can be applied in various sectors, and this includes lottery programs. Through Yarloo, lottery programs and blockchain can be combined to create a revolutionary lottery platform. Yarloo presents a lottery platform in which there are many features that users can use to increase their income. And this is not just an ordinary lottery platform, but a lottery platform integrated with NFT and DeFi systems.

What are Yarloo Tokens?
The Yarloo lottery ecosystem will issue its own currency called YARL. It is the main utility token used in their ecosystem, and it is based on the Binance smart chain blockchain, which is distributed on the public network with smart contract integration enabling automated, transparent and more efficient processes. effective. Their team is also developing this token as a revenue sharing token that allows users to generate passive income just by holding the token, with a portion of the Yarloo ecosystem profits distributed equally among its holders. Liquidity will also be maintained, some will be placed in the liquidity pool, and this will create a fully community based token with long term potential and low risk.
Blockchain can be applied not only to cryptocurrencies but also to many sectors and this includes lottery programs. By combining blockchain technology with lottery programs, developers can implement various protocols that make lottery programs more innovative and modern, for example, developers can apply NFT and DeFi protocols to the lottery platform, which makes the lottery platform not just an ordinary lottery platform, but a lottery platform. GameFi platform where users can do various things to increase their income and it’s not just lottery, it can be staking, trading or other. This is a solution offered by Yarloo, a crypto lottery platform in which there are various features that users can use to increase their income, such as lottery, staking, trading, etc.

Yarloo is a unique lottery platform that provides various features that will facilitate different styles of users. Here users can become collectors, stakers, or gamblers according to their style.

Yarloo Features
Yarloo is an innovative and modern lottery platform for users all over the world. Here users can participate in solo and team lottery pools to be able to get a sizeable jackpot. But it all depends on the luck of the user and Yarloo ensures that this lottery program runs fairly and honestly. But that’s not all, there are several other features of Yarloo:

Wheel of Fortune: This is the coolest feature of Yarloo where users can participate in lucky spinners to get rewards in the form of tokens, discounts, special cards, etc. Yarloo will give users the opportunity to be able to spin once a day for free, but for the next spin, users have to pay extra.
NFT Trading Center: A platform that will make it easy for users to buy and sell cards with other users easily and safely.
Yarloo Wallet: A digital wallet that makes it easy for users to store digital assets and exchange them directly from the wallet. Here users can also stake their tokens.
Arcade Games: A series of games developed by Yarloo for users to make Yarloo even cooler.
DeFi Ecosystem: Users can borrow tokens using collateral securely through the DeFi ecosystem provided by Yarloo.

Profit Sharing Token, or RST for short, is Yarloo’s revolutionary backbone, the first implementation of its kind that will someday be recognized as NFT and DeFi technology, RST is how Yarloo can be armed as an anti-bear project, which can withstand any market sentiment. The way it works is pretty simple, and can be reconfigured based on individual company preferences, but we’ll be using Yarloo as a core example of how RST will be used considering we were the original founders of this concept and its first integrator.

Seed Investors & IDOs: 30%
Holder: 25%
Repurchase: 20%
LP Provider: 15%
Wheel of Fortune/Rewards Pool: 10%

Our card system is not very complicated. There will be 5 types of cards, ranked from bottom to top as:

These 5 types of cards have very different functions and values. For example, a small card only gives 1 ticket per card, due to its low value, and a Bronze card gives 2 tickets per card, but both have no special attributes and cannot be paired with other cards.

On the other hand, from Silver to Sapphire, cards grant more tickets and all have special attributes. Silver cards give 5 tickets per card, Gold give 10, and Sapphire give 50 participation tickets.

Card sets will be released consistently at Yarloo, even after launch, as they will always be an important part of the way things work. There will be 3 types of card sets, so users can know what to expect from each:


Q3 2021:

Funding Round Conclusion
3-5 Sets of Launch Cards
Alpha Wallet
Pass Alpha
Q4 2021:

Wheel of Fortune Release
Lottery Platform Launch
Bridging $YARL to the new network
First CEX List
5-8 New Card Set
Fusion System Testing
Governance features for $YARL holders
Updated Light Paper
Q1 2022:

Wander around the Seven Oceans!
We will continue to update our roadmap depending on new introductions, games we announce, and more. For now, only information about this year’s Q3 and Q4 is available.

Useful Links:
Website : https://yarloo.vercel.app/

Telegram : https://t.me/yarloochat

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/yarlannouncements

Twitter : https://twitter.com/yarloo_rst

Medium : https://medium.com/@yarloo

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/yarloo


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